
Sorry for my lack of blogging lately! I had a midterm, three papers due this week, and went to Berlin this past weekend, so needless to say I’ve been quite busy. I will catch you up on the things that have been going on…

During the first travel break, after I went to Madrid, I went to Sevilla with my friend that is currently studying there.

The first night we got there we went to a soccer game and received free scarves because it was American night! The experience was everything I imagined a Spanish soccer game to be like….the fans were super lively and passionate about whichever team they were rooting for. Image


I should also mention that Wunmi’s sweet host mom let me stay with them and that in itself was one of the highlights of my semester so far. I was able to practice my Spanish since her two children did not know any English. They also made me a traditional Spanish meal one night and we watched a soccer game together.

Other highlights throughout the trip were seeing the Plaza de Espana:



The Sevilla cathedral: Image

View from the top:


Las setas:


Arturo-Wunmi’s host brotherImageAitanna (host sister) & Wunmi


The most crazy thing that happened while I was in Spain was my transportation issues going home. I arrived at the bus station in Sevilla at 6:15 in the morning in order to get to the airport. However, the bus just never came. After finally getting a taxi to take me to the airport, I arrived to find the airline company my flight was through had cancelled all of their flights because the workers had gone on strike. No one working there could speak English well, but I eventually found out that I could take a train from Sevilla to Madrid and I may get there in time for my connecting flight from Madrid to Copenhagen. So, I took another cab to the train station and the driver WAY over charged me for the fare. I then took a train to Madrid and arrived to the Madrid train station with an hour and a half until my flight left for Copenhagen…not too bad right? Well, I was still an hour and five minutes from the airport. Needless to say, I missed my flight. I then waited in line for 30 minutes in order to get a new flight. Thankfully I got one to London and then from London to Copenhagen, but I almost missed that because it was a 20 minute train ride on the other side of the airport and the gates closed in 20 minutes. I made it though!!!! The rest of the trip was uneventful until I got back to Copenhagen and the regional train that I take back to my city broke down. Yep….perfect way to end the day haha. All in all, I had the most amazing trip and Spain is definitely one of my favorite places in the whole world.

I am leaving for London on Saturday for my long study tour, but I will try and blog again soon.


Thanks for reading 🙂




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